Dutch English

Windplan Blauw

Project: Onshore Wind Energy, Windenergie op land
Client: Windplanblauw
Location: Flevoland
Year: 2017 - 2024

Project description:

Windplanblauw is part of the Regioplan Windenergie Flevoland. Windplanblauw is a plan for 61 new windturbines with approx. 340 MW newly installed production capacity.
Windplanblauw consists of three windfarms. SwifterwinT op land consists of 37 Vestas windturbines. The windfarms IJsselmeerwinT and Vattenfall consists of 10 resp. 14 GE windturbines located in the Ijsselmeer lake.
The windfarms are connected to a Closed Distribution System (GDS) OSwinT, consisting of a 150 kV 400 MVA grid connection to TenneT, a 150 kV export cable, a 150/33kV transformer substation holding two 150/33 kV transformers of each 280MVA.

Activities of Energy Solutions:

For this project, Energy Solutions has worked for Windplanblauw and Aratis to provide a substantial contribution during design and construction of Windplanblauw.
Following activities were performed:

  • Set-up technical requirements for the supply and installation of the 33 kV array cabling, the 33/150kV transformer substation and the 150kV export cable.
  • Set-up the electrical parts of the UAV-GC tender documents for the designing and construction of the 33 kV windfarm cabling, the 150/33 kV transformer substation, the 150 kV export cable including the technical support during the tendering of the contracts.
  • Providing technical support in setting up the technical specifications for the supply and installation of the windturbines and support during tendering of the windturbines of the windfarms
  • Review of the detailed designs and construction plans made by the various contractors.
  • Counselling, support and quality management during construction, testing and commissioning of the electrical and data infrastructure.
  • Coordinating the electrical interfaces between windturbine suppliers, electrical contractors and TenneT/Liander.
  • Coordination of the (electrical) testing and commissioning of the windturbines.
  • Coordinating, counselling and support during the full grid compliance process between GDS OSwinT and the connected windfarms.
  • Counselling and support during the full grid compliance process between GDS OSwinT and TenneT.

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