Dutch English

Windpark Greenport Venlo

Project: Onshore Wind Energy
Client: Windunie
Location: Venlo
Year: 2020 - 2023

Project description:

Windpark Greenport Venlo consists of 9 wind turbines with a total capacity of 38 MW. the wind farm will be connected to the 21 kV grid of DSO Enexis. Windunie, Greenchoice and ABN Amro Energy Transition Fund are working together to realise this windfarm which will deliver renewable energy to  30.000 households.

Activities of Energy Solutions:

Energy Solutions is responsible for the preliminary design, project specification UAV-GC and support during the tender phase of the electrical infrastructure (substation and cables). During the execution phase of the project, energy solution provides supervision and quality control of the works.

Interesting websites:
