Dutch English


Project: HV kabel- en energiesystemen
Client: NTT
Location: Rozenburg
Year: 2022 - 2024

Project description:

NTT Ltd. operates a data centre (NTT AMS 1) near Schiphol Airport in Rozenburg, the Netherlands. Currently this data centre is powered by a 20 kV cable connection. Due to a growing power demand caused by an expansion of the data centre this connection must be upgraded to a 150 kV cable connection from TenneT’ TSO 380 kV / 150 kV substation Vijfhuizen.

The length of the new 150kV cable connection is approximately 14,5 km of which 9,4 km is installed in total twenty HDD’s.

Activities of Energy Solutions:

Energy Solutions provides expertise in the field of underground high-voltage cables for this project. In collaboration with ATRON-Engineering, the following aspects are realized:

  • Feasibility study on the 150 kV cable connection between TenneT 150kV substation Vijfhuizen and the project location. Three alternative cable routes were proposed and for one option a basic- and detailed design was made.
  • Evaluation of a second or redundant 150kV cable connection between TenneT 150kV substation Rozenburg Zuid and the project location
  • System design of the 150 kV cable connection
  • Civil route engineering incl. HDD engineering and soil investigations
  • EMC influence study
  • Permit application and right of way agreements, soil investigations etc.
  • Drafting the technical aspects of the contract, civil and cable tender documents for the 150 kV cable connection.
  • Tendering of the works for the cable supply and installation.

During the project execution phase:
Project management

  • Quality control
  • Stake holder management
  • Health, Safety and Environment

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TenneT Projects